August - Peridot & Spinel

Harmony — Peacefulness — Compassion

Optimism — Passion — Renewal
Peridot, the bright green color of nature, is associated with harmony, good health, restful sleep, and peacefulness. Known as the stone of compassion, peridot calms anger by giving renewal to all things. When set in gold, this gem was said to protect the wearer from nightmares. It is also thought to boost creativity and improve your mood. Peridot is a popular stone for protection against difficulties and negativity. It is often used to strengthen and purify the physical and energetic bodies. Peridot is considered a very joyful, warm, friendly stone that can ease anger and jealousy as well as encourage open-heartedness. It is also a stone of abundance and gratitude, and can help us to acknowledge and invite abundance, both material and spiritual, in our lives. In addition, peridot can help you to trust your own inner voice and become less attached to the guidance of others outside of you.
A variety of the mineral olivine, Peridot is created deep within the earth’s mantle. Interestingly, this gem is also found within pallasite meteorites, which contain remnants of the solar system. It is thought to be one of the most ancient gems in the world. Closely linked to the Egyptians, the first Peridot stones were unearthed on an island in the Red Sea known as Topazios. Folklore has it that the island was overrun with snakes, but fortunately, the Pharaoh came to the rescue – sending the snakes slithering from the island, and allowing the miners to go about their task. Unlike most gemstones, the peridot is idiochromatic in nature, which means it has a limited color range. That said, this jewel can be found in hues ranging from pure green and yellowish-green to greenish-yellow, and lends itself to classic, stone-focused jewelry, as well as accents with other stones and colors. Today’s designers feature peridot in gorgeous pieces, ranging from statement necklaces to nature-inspired rings. The peridot’s vibrant beauty, teamed up with a fascinating history and relative affordability has made it one of the most sought-after jewels available today.
Care for Your Peridot Jewelry: Peridot has a rating of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. This means that they are fairly durable. However, they must be treated with care. If you do decide to wear it daily, remember to keep aside your jewelry before performing activities such as cooking, cleaning, swimming, and exercising to avoid any unnecessary damage. To clean Peridot jewelry at home, soak pieces briefly in a solution of warm water and gentle dish detergent. Use a soft brush to clean around the setting to restore the gem's luster. Be sure that Peridot is never subjected to ultrasonic or steam cleaning, as these methods can easily damage the gemstone.
Spinel is a stone of hope, revitalization, and feeling the joy of being alive. It is perfect to reach for when one is feeling a lack of energy or enthusiasm, or finding it hard to pull out of negative thoughts. It helps bring fresh energy to your mind, body, heart and spirit. Spinel is a stone of revitalization and an excellent stone for workaholics. It is connected with energy renewal, overcoming tough circumstances, and rejuvenation of the mind and body. It helps release stress and anxieties and replenishes low energy levels. It’s a stone that brings inspiration and new hope. The energies of this stone help find new ways of thinking and give strength to face life’s challenges. It encourages persistence and determination not to crumble under pressure. Spinel enhances all positive sides of the personality, helps achieve success with humility, and helps accept failures with optimism.
Spinel was recently added as an August birthstone, sharing this month with peridot and sardonyx. Although spinel has been used in jewelry since ancient times, this gemstone has only recently received the attention it deserves. Before the rise of modern gemology in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, spinel has long been mistaken for ruby as they look very similar and are found together in the same localities. Many of the famous “rubies” of history were actually spinels like the Black Prince Ruby that forms the centerpiece of the royal crown of Great Britain. Nevertheless, these minerals are chemically distinct. Natural spinel has always been a rare and beautiful gem. As more information comes to light about the extensive and invasive enhancements lower-grade ruby and sapphire receive to “pump up” their color or clarity, educated consumers have come to appreciate spinel’s natural beauty. The natural spinels in today’s market are almost all untreated. Spinel excels in color, luster, hardness, and durability, making it appropriate for almost any use in jewelry. Their relatively modest prices compared to ruby and sapphire and availability in nearly any color make them even more inviting. But good specimens can attain very high prices with bright red spinel, known as ruby spinel, being the most valuable.
Care for Your Spinel Jewelry: This hardy stone has a Moh’s hardness of 8 and is very resistant to chemical and physical weathering. It can be cleaned and cared for using multiple cleaning techniques without the risk of damaging the stone. Ultrasonic machines and steam cleaners are safe to use, although soapy water and a cloth will clean the stone quite effectively. It’s also suggested that they be stored separately from other jewelry to prevent it from damaging other softer stones in the collection.